Hashgraph - What is it? / How it works / Hashgraph vs Blockchain - Meetup #22
- Kerala Startup Mission - Thejaswini. Technopark. Thiruvananthapuram.Hashgraph is a data structure and consensus algorithm that claims to be faster, fairer, and more secure than blockchain.
Thursday, December 21, 2017 from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM (IST)
Hashgraph is a data structure and consensus algorithm that claims to be faster, fairer, and more secure than blockchain. Hashgraph is not currently available on a public network / ledger so there is no cryptocurrency at this time. It is currently available only for private networks for enterprise/commercial applications. In this episode we take a look at how hashgraph works and how the technology compares to the blockchain based bitcoin system.
- What is Hashgraph? Basic concepts
- How hashgraph transactions work
- Sybil and DDoS attacks / How hashgraph handles attacks
- Advantages of hashgraph
- Overall opinion about hashgraph
This is going to be an open discussion lead by Nikhil Krishna Nair
Hashgraph - What is it? / How it works / Hashgraph vs Blockchain - Meetup #22: Hashgraph is a data structure and consensus algorithm that claims to be faster, fairer, and more secure than blockchain. 2017-12-21 17:00
Kerala Startup Mission,
Trivandum, KL
2017-12-21 17:00 2017-12-21 18:00 Asia/Kolkata Hashgraph - What is it? / How it works / Hashgraph vs Blockchain - Meetup #22 Hashgraph is a data structure and consensus algorithm that claims to be faster, fairer, and more secure than blockchain. Kerala Startup Mission - Thejaswini. Technopark. Thiruvananthapuram. Blockchain Interest Group hello@big-org.com